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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/10851608
Record Status Checked
Record Id 10851608
Title Where the active galaxies live : a panchromatic view of AGN in the Akari-NEP field
Abstract We study the host galaxy properties of radio-detected sources in the AKARI-NEP field, using an ensemble of multi-wavelength datasets that range from the far-UV to the radio. Using both photometry and spectroscopy, we identify both radio-loud and radio-quiet AGN and study their host galaxy properties, including the age of their stellar populations, current star-formation rates, as well as their morphology. Using this information we investigate the role of AGN within the currently accepted framework of a merger-driven evolution of galaxies. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012AAS...22033504K
Organisation RALSP
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 220 (2012): 335.04. 2012