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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/10854808
Record Status Checked
Record Id 10854808
Title Laser Diode Velocimeter-Monitor Based on Self-Mixing Technique
Abstract Gas targets are important for a number of accelerator based applications; in particular as cold targets for collision experiments and beam diagnostics purposes where gas jets have been successfully used as least intrusive beam profile monitors, however, detailed information about the gas jet is important for its optimization and the quality of the beam profile that can be measured with it. A laser velocimeter shall be used for an in-detail characterization of atomic and molecular gas jets and allows investigations into the jet dynamics. Existing methods are currently not efficient enough, hard to build, and rather expensive. A laser velocimeter based on the self-mixing technique can provide unambiguous measurements from a single interferometric channel, realizable in a compact experimental setup that can be installed even in radiation-exposed environments. In this contribution, an introduction to the underlying theory of self-mixing is given, before the design and functioning principle of the velocimeter is described in detail. Finally, preliminary experimental results with different solid targets are presented and an outlook on measurements with fluid and gaseous targets is given.
Organisation CI
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In 2nd International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2013), Oxford, UK, 16-19 Sept 2013, (2013). Cockcroft-13-34.PDF 2013