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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/11084805
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Record Id 11084805
Title SCIDIP-ES: a Sustainable Data Preservation Infrastructure to Support OAIS Conformant Archives
Abstract The SCIDIP-ES project provides an e-infrastructure to support long-term preservation and use of the knowledge encoded in scientific data. The in-frastructure offers a set of generic, sustainable services and toolkits based on the CASPAR prototypes to support efficient preservation planning and management along with usability and access needs. The SCIDIP-ES services are speci-fically designed to augment existing repositories as well as to facilitate the development of new ones, so that they can be properly OAIS conformant as described in section 1.4 of the OAIS Reference Model. In particular, the infrastructure enables repositories to support the OAIS Information Model and to fulfil several of the mandatory responsibilities which are required for conformance yet which are rarely discussed.
Organisation STFC , SCI-COMP
Keywords digital preservation, OAIS, e-infrastructure, earth science, services
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In International Conference on Digital Preservation and Development of Trusted Digital Repositories (APA/C-DAC Conference), New Delhi, India, 5-6 Feb 2014, (2014). scidip-apa2014_v0-1.pdf 2014