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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/12167494
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Record Id 12167494
Title The dynamics of ultra-compact and Isochronous GeV energy FFAGS
Abstract The FFAG (Fixed-Field Alternating-gradient) accelerator is a class of accelerators that comprises the best features of the cyclotron and the synchrotron, combining fixed magnetic fields with strong focusing gradients for optimal stable, low-loss operation. Here, a new type of medium-energy 1-GeV isochronous (CW) FFAG has been developed in a racetrack layout that supports two opposing synchrotron-like straights, permitting both high-gradient RF modules and efficient injection and extraction in a highly compact footprint. In this paper we present beam dynamic simulations for this compact racetrack FFAG, and compare the differences between an equivalent circular and a racetrack configuration. A comparison of the FFAG dynamics with the 800-MeV (Dae?alus) cyclotron is briefly presented.
Organisation CI , STFC
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC14), Dresden, Germany, CI Preprints (2014). MOPRI076.pdf 2014