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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/12188264
Record Status Checked
Record Id 12188264
Title Preliminary Study for an RF Photocathode based Electron Injector for AWAKE Project
Abstract AWAKE project, a proton driven plasma wakefield acceleration (PDPWA) experiment is approved by CERN. The PDPWA scheme consists of a seeding laser, a drive beam to establish the accelerating wakefields within the plasma cell; and a witness beam to be accelerated. The drive beam protons will be provided by the CERN's SPS. The plasma ionisation will be performed by a seeding laser and the drive beam protons to produce the accelerating wakefields. After establishing the wakefields, witness beam, namely, electron beam from a dedicated source should be injected into the plasma cell. The primary goal of this experiment is to demonstrate acceleration of a 5-15 MeV single bunch electron beam up to 1 GeV in a 10 m of plasma. This paper explores the possibility of an RF photocathode as the electron source for this PDPWA scheme based on the existing PHIN photoinjector at CERN. The modifications to the existing design, preliminary beam dynamics simulations in order to provide the required electron beam are presented in this paper.
Organisation CI , STFC , AWAKE
Keywords 03 Particle Sources and Alternative Acceleration Techniques , T02 Electron Sources
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC14), Dresden, Germany, 15-20th June, 2014, (2014). http://jacow.org/…/papers/mopri050.pdf 2014