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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/12276182
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Record Id 12276182
Title Dynamic symmetry of indirectly driven inertial confinement fusion capsules on the National Ignition Facility a)
RPJ Town (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), DK Bradley (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), A Kritcher (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), OS Jones (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), JR Rygg (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), R Tommasini (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), M Barrios (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), LR Benedetti (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), LF Berzak Hopkins (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), PM Celliers (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), T Döppner (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), EL Dewald (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), DC Eder (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), JE Field (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), SM Glenn (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), N Izumi (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), SW Haan (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), SF Khan (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), JL Kline (Los Alamos National Laboratory), GA Kyrala (Los Alamos National Laboratory), T Ma (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), JL Milovich (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), JD Moody (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), SR Nagel (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), A Pak (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), JL Peterson (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), HF Robey (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), JS Ross (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), RHH Scott (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab.), BK Spears (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), MJ Edwards (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), JD Kilkenny (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), OL Landen (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Organisation CLF , STFC
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article Phys Plasmas 21, no. 5 (2014): 056313. doi:10.1063/1.4876609 2014