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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/12298866
Record Status Checked
Record Id 12298866
Title Monte Carlo Validation of Proton Treatment Plans Using Geant4 on Xeon Phi
Abstract When delivering proton therapy, dose accuracy can be aided by the use of Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, but very large numbers of incident particles must be followed to obtain good statistical uncertainty. To validate dose estimates from pencil beam approximations within the treatment field typically requires at least 10 million primaries. The recently released Intel TMXeon Phi coprocessor platform offers the possibility of achieving good computational throughput whilst allowing a common codebase with other “traditional” CPU platforms. Here we report on the adaptation of Geant4 to allow efficient MC proton therapy validation on a Xeon Phi system. The recent multithreaded version of this code lends itself to Xeon Phi, but changes were performed to optimise memory usage allowing large numbers of primaries to be followed in a complex patient geometry on a single card. This results in much smaller RAM requirements for a given simulation, and we see comparable performance on the Xeon Phi architecture to traditional cluster solutions for a given price.
Organisation CI , STFC
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In Joint International Conference on Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC) Method (MC2015), Nashville, Tennessee, 19-23 Apr 2015, (2015). https://www.resea…G_GEANT4_ON_XEON_PHI 2015