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Full Record Details

Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/22610697
Record Status Checked
Record Id 22610697
Title Treating jet correlations in high pile-up at hadron colliders
Abstract Experiments in the high-luminosity runs at the Large Hadron Collider face the challenges of very large pile-up. Primary techniques to deal with this are based on precise vertex and track reconstruction. Outside tracker acceptances, however, lie regions of interest for many aspects of the LHC physics program. We explore complementary approaches to pile-up treatment and propose a data-driven jet-mixing method which can be used outside tracker acceptances without depending on Monte Carlo generators. The method can be applied to treat correlation observables and take into account, besides the jet transverse momentum pedestal, effects of hard jets from pile-up.
Organisation PPD , PPD-LHCB , STFC
Funding Information
Related Research Object(s): 24699475
Licence Information:
Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Preprint RAL Preprints RAL-P-2015-007, Phys Lett B 2015. RAL-P-2015-007.pdf 2015