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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/22676842
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Record Id 22676842
Title A Laser Heater for CLARA
Abstract CLARA is a new FEL test facility, being developed at STFC Daresbury Laboratory in UK, based on a high brightness electron linac. The electron beam of CLARA can potentially be affected by the longitudinal microbunching instability leading to a degradation of the beam quality. The inclusion of a laser heater in the linac design can allow control of the microbunching instability, the study of microbunching and deliberate increase of the final energy spread to study energy spread requirements of the FEL schemes tested at CLARA. We present the initial design and layout of the laser heater system for CLARA and its expected performance.
Organisation ASTeC , ASTeC-AP , STFC
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In 37th International Free Electron Laser Conference (FEL 2015), Daejeon, Korea, August 2015, (2015). http://accelconf.…15/papers/mop044.pdf 2015