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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/22776
Record Status Checked
Record Id 22776
Title Experimental observation of lepton pairs of invariant mass around 95 GeV/c2 at the CERN SPS collider
G Arnison, A Astbury, B Aubert, C Bacci, G Bauer, A Bezaguet, R Bock, TJV Bowcock, M Calvetti, P Catz, P Cennini, S Centro, F Ceradini, S Cittolin, D Cline, C Cochet, J Colas, M Corden, D Dallman, D Dau, M DeBeer, M Della Negra, M Demoulin, D Denegri, A Di Ciaccio, D DiBitonto, L Dobrzynski, JD Dowell, K Eggert, E Eisenhandler, N Ellis, P Erhard, H Faissner, M Fincke, G Fontaine, R Frey, R Fruhwirth, J Garvey, S Geer, C Ghesquiere, P Ghez, W R Gibson, Y Giraud-Heraud, A Givernaud, A Gonidec, G Grayer, T Hansl-Kozanecka, WJ Haynes, LO Hertzberger, C Hodges, D Hoffmann, H Hoffmann, DJ Holthuizen, R J Homer, A Honma, W Jank, G Jorat, PIP Kalmus, V Karimaki, R Keeler, I Kenyon, A Kernan, R Kinnunen, W Kozanecki, D Kryn, F Lacava, JP Laugier, JP Lees, H Lehmann, R Leuchs, A Leveque, D Linglin, E Locci, JJ Malosse, T Markiewicz, G Maurin, T McMahon, JP Mendiburu, MN Minard, M Mohammadi, M Moricca, K Morgan, H Muirhead, F Muller, AK Nandi, L Naumann, A Norton, A Orkin-Lecourtois, L Paoluzi, F Pauss, G Piano Mortari, E Pietarinen, M Pimia, A Placci, JP Porte, E Radermacher, J Ransdell, H Reithler, JP Revol, J Rich, M Rijssenbeek, C Roberts, J Rohlf, P Rossi, C Rubbia, B Sadoulet, G Sajot, G Salvi, G Salvini, J Sass, J Saudraix, A Savoy-Navarro, D Schinzel, W Scott, T P Shah, M Spiro, J Strauss, J Streets, K Sumorok, F Szoncso, D Smith, C Tao, G Thompson, J Timmer, E Tscheslog, J Tuominiemi, B Van Eijk, JP Vialle, J Vrana, V Vuillemin, HD Wahl, P Watkins, J Wilson, C Wulz, GY Xie, M Yvert, E Zurfluh
Organisation PPD , UA1 , SERC
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Journal Article Phys Lett B 126 (1983): 398-410. doi:10.1016/0370-2693(83)90188-0 1983
Report CERN-EP-83-73. 1983. 1983