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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/25545
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Record Id 25545
Title Radiation tolerance of single sided silicon microstrips
A Holmes-Siedle (Brunel U.), M Robbins (Brunel U.), S Watts (Brunel U.), PP Allport (Cambridge U.), R Brenner (CERN), HG Moser (CERN), S Roe (CERN), J Straver (CERN), P Weilhammer (CERN), P Chochula (Comenius U.), I Mikulec (Comenius U.), S Moszczynski (Cracow, INP), M Turala (Cracow, INP), W Dabrowski (Cracow, Inst. Phys. Nucl. Tech.), P Grybos (Cracow, Inst. Phys. Nucl. Tech.), M Idzik (Cracow, Inst. Phys. Nucl. Tech.), D Loukas (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.), K Misiakos (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.), I Siotis (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.), K Zachariadou (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.), W Dulinski (Strasbourg, CRN), J Michele (Strasbourg, CRN), M Schaeffer (Strasbourg, CRN), R Turchetta (Strasbourg, CRN), PSL Booth (Liverpool U.), J Richardson (Liverpool U.), N Smith (Liverpool U.), K Gill (Imperial Coll., London), G Hall (Imperial Coll., London), R Sachdeva (Imperial Coll., London), S Sotthibandhu (Imperial Coll., London), D Vite (Imperial Coll., London), R Wheadon (Imperial Coll., London), C Arrighi (Marseille, CPPM), P Delpierre (Marseille, CPPM), MC Habrard (Marseille, CPPM), JC Clemens (Marseille, CPPM), T Mouthuy (Marseille, CPPM), BS Avset (Oslo U.), L Evensen (Oslo, Industrial Research Ctr.), A Hanneborg (Oslo, Industrial Research Ctr.), TA Hansen (Oslo, Industrial Research Ctr.), D Bisello (INFN, Padua), A Giraldo (INFN, Padua), A Paccagnella (INFN, Padua), L Kurchaninov (Rome, ISS), E Spiriti (Rome, ISS), R Apsimon (Rutherford)ORCID icon, P Giubellino (INFN, Turin), L Ramello (INFN, Turin), WL Prado da Silva (INFN, Turin), M Krammer (Vienna, OAW), M Schuster (Vienna, OAW)
Organisation PPD , RD20 , DRAL
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Language English (EN)
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Report CERN-PPE-93-137. 1993. 1993
Journal Article Nucl Instrum Meth A 339 (1994): 511-523. doi:10.1016/0168-9002(94)90188-0 1994