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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/25927
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Record Id 25927
Title First level trigger systems for LHC experiments
I Brawn (Birmingham U.), RE Carney (Birmingham U.), Y Ermoline (Birmingham U.), J Garvey (Birmingham U.), D Grant (Birmingham U.), R Harris (Birmingham U.), P Jovanovic (Birmingham U.), I McGill (Birmingham U.), D Rees (Birmingham U.), R Staley (Birmingham U.), A Watson (Birmingham U.), P Watkins (Birmingham U.), O Buyanov (CERN), N Ellis (CERN), C Jacobs (CERN), BG Taylor (CERN), JP Vanuxem (CERN), H Wendler (CERN), P Hanke (Heidelberg U.), M Keller (Heidelberg U.), EE Kluge (Heidelberg U.), M Wunsch (Heidelberg U.), P Bod (Linkoping U.), H Hentzell (Linkoping U.), C Svensson (Linkoping U.), J Yuan (Linkoping U.), J Fent (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), W Frochtenicht (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), C Kiesling (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), H Oberlack (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), P Schacht (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), E Eisenhandler (Queen Mary, U. of London), M Landon (Queen Mary, U. of London), JM Pentney (Queen Mary, U. of London), G Thompson (Queen Mary, U. of London), J Dowdell (Rutherford), J Edwards (Rutherford), CNP Gee (Rutherford), A Gillman (Rutherford), R Hatley (Rutherford), J Leake (Rutherford), V Perera (Rutherford), B Green (Royal Holloway, U. of London), J Strong (Royal Holloway, U. of London), E Gennari, A Nisati, E Petrolo, G Piccinelli, S Veneziano, L Zanello, R Cardarelli (Rome U., Tor Vergata), A Di Ciaccio (Rome U., Tor Vergata), G Appelquist (Stockholm U.), C Bohm (Stockholm U.), M Engstrom (Stockholm U.), S Hellman (Stockholm U.), SO Holmgren (Stockholm U.), E Johansson (Stockholm U.), N Yamdagni (Stockholm U.), X Zhao (Stockholm U.), WH Smith (Wisconsin U., Madison), S Dasu (Wisconsin U., Madison), C Foudas (Wisconsin U., Madison), T Gorski (Wisconsin U., Madison), M Jaworski (Wisconsin U., Madison), J Lackey (Wisconsin U., Madison), D Panescu (Wisconsin U., Madison), W Temple (Wisconsin U., Madison)
Organisation CCLRC , PPD
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Language English (EN)
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Report CERN-RD-27-STATUS-REPORT-1993. 1994. 1994
Report CERN-DRDC-94-52. 1994. 1994