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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/26094
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Record Id 26094
Title The DELPHI silicon strip microvertex detector with double sided readout
V Chabaud (CERN), P Collins (CERN), H Dijkstra (CERN), JJ Gomez Cadenas (CERN), R Keranen (CERN), S Masciocchi (CERN), W Trischuk (CERN), P Weilhammer (CERN), Y Dufour (College de France), R Brenner (Helsinki U.), R Orava (Helsinki U.), K Osterberg (Helsinki U.), C Ronnqvist (Helsinki U.), H Saarikko (Helsinki U.), JP Saarikko (Helsinki U.), T Tuuva (Helsinki U.), M Voutilainen (Helsinki U.), J Blocki (Cracow, INP), P Bruckman (Cracow, INP), J Godlewski (Cracow, INP), P Jalocha (Cracow, INP), W Kucewicz (Cracow, INP), H Palka (Cracow, INP), A Zalewska (Cracow, INP), B Bouquet (Orsay, LAL), F Couchot (Orsay, LAL), B D'Almagne (Orsay, LAL), F Fulda-Quenzer (Orsay, LAL), P Rebecchi (Orsay, LAL), PP Allport (Liverpool U.), PSL Booth (Liverpool U.), PA Cooke (Liverpool U.), A Andreazza, P Biffi, V Bonvicini, M Caccia, C Meroni, M Pindo, N Redaelli, C Troncon, G Vegni, J Cuevas Maestro (Oviedo U.), GJ Barker (Oxford U.), J Bibby (Oxford U.), N Demaria (Oxford U.), M Flinn (Oxford U.), P Pattinson (Oxford U.), M Mazzucato, A Nomerotski, A Peisert, I Stavitski, M Baubillier (Paris U., VI-VII), F Rossel (Paris U., VI-VII), M Gandelman (Rio de Janeiro, CBPF), D Santos de Souza (Rio de Janeiro, CBPF), R Apsimon (Rutherford)ORCID icon, M Bates (Rutherford), J Bizzell (Rutherford), PD Dauncey (Rutherford), L Denton (Rutherford), W J Murray (Rutherford), M Tyndel (Rutherford), J Marco (Cantabria U., Santander), C Martinez-Rivero (Cantabria U., Santander), M Karlsson (Stockholm U.), JA Hernando (Valencia U.)
Organisation CCLRC , PPD , DELPHI
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Language English (EN)
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Report CERN-PPE-95-86. 1995. 1995
Report CERN-PPE-95-086. 1995. 1995
Journal Article Nucl Instrum Meth A 368 (1996): 314-332. doi:10.1016/0168-9002(95)00699-0 1996