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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/28960
Record Status Checked
Record Id 28960
Title Supporting Co-Use of VDM and B by Translation
Abstract VDM and B are two mature formal methods currently in use by industry and supported by commercial tools. Though the methods are foundationally similar, the coverage of their supporting tools differs significantly. The integration and coðuse of the two methods has been considered in a number of previous papers, and it has been demonstrated that both methods can be profitably applied at different points in the development lifeðcycle, with initial abstract specifications in VDM being translated into design specifications in B prior to refinement into code. In this paper we describe a partial translation from VDM to B, which may allow automated support for this step in the process. We also describe possible future extensions to the translation.
Organisation CCLRC , BITD
Keywords B , Method Integration , Method Co-use , Formal Methods , VDM
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In VDM in 2000! Proceedings of the 2nd VDM workshop , ., September 2000, (1999). https://www.overt…-co-use-of-VDM-B.pdf 1999