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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/31656058
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Record Id 31656058
Title Carrington-L5: The UK/US Operational Space Weather Monitoring Mission
Abstract Airbus Defence and Space (UK) have carried out a study for an operational L5 space weather mission, in collaboration with RAL, the UK Met Office, UCL and Imperial College London. The study looked at the user requirements for an operational mission, a model instrument payload, and a mission/spacecraft concept. A particular focus is cost effectiveness and timelineness of the data, suitable for operational forecasting needs. The study focussed on a mission at L5 assuming that a US mission to L1 will already occur, on the basis that L5 offers the greatest benefit for SWE predictions. The baseline payload has been selected to address all MOSWOC/SWPC priorities using UK/US instruments, consisting of: a heliospheric imager, coronagraph, EUV imager, magnetograph, magnetometer, solar wind analyser and radiation monitor. The platform is based on extensive re-use from Airbus' past missions to minimize the cost and a Falcon-9 launcher has been selected on the same basis. A schedule analysis shows that the earliest launch could occur in 2020, assuming Phase A KO in 2015. The study team have selected the name "Carrington" for the mission, reflecting the UK's proud history in this domain.
Organisation STFC , RALSP
Keywords away Sun-Earth line , L5 , in-situ measurements , remote sensing , future missions , space weather
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article Hipparchos 2, no. 12 (2015): 25-31. Is in proceedings of: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2015, San Fransico, California, USA, 14-18 Dec 2015. 2015