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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/32683637
Record Status Checked
Record Id 32683637
Title Coherent Diffraction Radiation Imaging Methods to Measure RMS Bunch
Abstract The measurement of the RMS bunch length with high resolution is very important for latest generation light sources and also a key parameter for the optimization of the final beam quality in high gradient plasma accelerators. In this contribution we present progress in the development of novel single shot, RMS bunch length diagnostic techniques based on imaging the near and far fields of coherent THz diffraction radiation (CTHzDR) that is produced as a charged particle beam interacts with a solid foil or an aperture. Recent simulation results show that the profile of a THz image of the coherent point spread function (CSF) of a beam whose radius is less than the PSF, i.e. the image produced by a single electron, is sensitive to bunch length and can thus be used as a diagnostic. The advantages and disadvantages of near field and far field imaging are examined and the results of a recent high energy (20 GeV) CTHzDR experiments at SLAC/FACET are presented. Plans for experiments to further validate and compare these imaging methods for both moderate and high energy charged particle beams are also discussed.
Organisation CI , STFC
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In 2016 International Beam Instrumentation Coference (IBIC 2016), Barcelona, Spain, 11-15 Sept 2016, (2016): 198-200. http://accelconf.…16/papers/mopg58.pdf 2016