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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/33464635
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Record Id 33464635
Title Building and sustaining data infrastructures: putting policy into practice
Abstract This report describes the personal view of the author on the topic of building and sustaining data infrastructures. In Section 1, it summarises of some relevant policies and initiatives and in Section 2, it reviews some issues around current provision of data infrastructure focusing on how data infrastructure can make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. It argues for the separation of the functions of dissemination, verification and value judgement of science that have traditionally all be encompassed in the publication of articles. Section 3 discusses how the type of data affects the features required of the data infrastructure and goes on to suggest some areas where improvements in data infrastructure could yield benefits. This section also discusses some issues around the sustainability of data infrastructres. Finally, Section 4 makes some recommendations for new features that could be provided by the data infrastructre concetrating on how supports could be provided for the assurance of provenance of the data created. It ends with an outline of a possible programme of work to begin to implement this new data infrastructure.
Funding Information Wellcome Trust
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report Wellcome Trust, 2016. https://wellcome.…structures-oct16.pdf 2016