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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/38120617
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Record Id 38120617
Title Optimization of Superconducting Undulators for Low Repetition Rate FELs
Abstract Superconducting undulators (SCUs) optimized for storage rings and MHz-level FELs require an intermediate beam screen to intercept the power deposited by the electron beam, due to resistive wall wakefields, to prevent magnet quenching. This beam screen increases the magnet gap by around 2 mm which is a significant increase when compared to the typical electron beam aperture of around 5 mm. However, lower repetition rate FELs only deposit of the order of tens of mW/m and so the beam screen is no longer needed resulting in a significant reduction in undulator magnet gap. We have investigated the impact of this reduced magnet gap and found that the magnetic field level increases greatly. For example, an SCU with a 15 mm period and 5 mm aperture optimized for a low repetition rate FEL instead of a storage ring will generate a field of 2.1 T compared to 1.4 T. Such a major increase in undulator performance could have a significant impact on the optimization of FELs. This paper describes how an SCU optimized for application in a FEL will be able to generate magnetic field levels far beyond those currently foreseen for any other magnet technology.
Organisation ASTeC , TECH , STFC
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In 38th International Free Electron Laser Conferenc (FEL2017), Santa Fe, NM, USA, 20-25 Aug 2017, (2017): 403-406. doi:10.18429/JACoW-FEL2017-WEC02 2017