
The open archive for STFC research publications

Full Record Details

Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/41434996
Record Status Checked
Record Id 41434996
Title Metadata for Large-Scale Research Instruments
Abstract The work outlines diverse effort of a few initiatives for metadata and attribution mechanisms that can be used for large-scale instruments hosted by shared research facilities. Specifically, the role of persistent identifiers and as-sociated metadata is considered, in relation to cases where the use of references to large-scale instruments can support research impact studies and Open Sci-ence agenda. A few routes for the adoption of large-scale instruments metadata are outlined, with indication of their advantages and limitations.
Organisation STFC , SCI-COMP
Keywords large-scale instruments , per-sistent identifiers , research facilities , Open Science , impact studies , research attribution , research information management
Funding Information EU, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (777523)
Related Research Object(s): 41533603
Licence Information:
Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In 12th International Conference on Metadata and Semantic Research (MTSR 2018), Limassol, Cyprus, 23-26 Oct 2018, (2019): 324-329. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-14401-2_30 2019