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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/48598
Record Status Checked
Record Id 48598
Title Design of a Tomography Module for the PITZ Facility
Abstract The goal of the Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site (PITZ) is to develop sources of high phasespace density electron beams that are required for the successful operation of SASE FELs. This requires detailed characterisation of the sources and therefore the development of suitable advanced diagnostics. As part of the ongoing upgrade towards higher beam energies, new diagnostics components are being installed. An example is a tomography module for transverse phase space reconstruction which is designed to operate in the energy range between 15 and 40 MeV. The module consists of four observation screens with three FODO cells between them. A number of upstream quadrupoles are used to match the beam envelope parameters to the optics of the FODO lattice. This contribution presents the final design of the tomography module. Data from numerical simulations are used to illustrate the expected performance and to compare it to a simplified setup of two quadrupoles. The quality of the reconstruction is revised with the help of different algorithms.
Organisation ASTeC , ASTeC-AP , CI , STFC
Keywords Physics , Tomography , Diagnostics
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings TUPC002. Is in proceedings of: Proc. 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, pp 1038-1040 (EPAC08), Genoa, Italy, 23-27 Jun 2008. http://accelconf.…8/papers/TUPC002.pdf Cockcroft-08-41.pdf 2008