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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/48893
Record Status Checked
Record Id 48893
Title High Power Couplers for the ERLP
Abstract Two Superconducting RF modules of the ELBE type have been ordered from Accel Instruments GmbH for use on the Energy Recovery Linac Prototype (ERLP) being built at Daresbury Laboratory. One structure is to be used as a booster module, with an energy gain of 8 MeV, and the other is to act as an energy recovery linac operating at electron beam energy of up to 35 MeV. High power couplers capable of handling up to 10 kW CW are required to provide successful operation of the ERLP. Once received from Accel four couplers including RF windows will be conditioned and tested at FZR Dresden; this paper describes the test procedure anticipated.
Organisation CCLRC , ASTeC , ASTeC-RFD
Keywords Physics
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 2005), Knoxville, Tennessee, 16-20 May 2005, (2005). http://accelconf.…5/PAPERS/TPPT067.PDF 2005