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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/49059015
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Record Id 49059015
Title The mF2C Project: Challenges & Lessons Learnt
Abstract Fog, edge, cloud, IoTandbig data are individual concepts that whentreated in an integrated and holistic manner provide a rich technology fabricwhich be used tosupport thedevelopment ofinnovative services in distinct verticals.However, realisation of this scenario imposes significantchallenges,requiring innovative approaches in order to catalysethe expected evolution towards Next Generation IoT. One of the fundamental technology pillars necessary to addressin this scenario isthe appropriate management of heterogeneousinfrastructuresavailable to host and execute services. Addressing this challenge is the key focus formF2C.The projects’main goal is to define an innovativemanagement solution which can select theoptimalset of available resources to run a service regardless of where these resources are located. This paper presents the technological advancementsin the second iteration of the mF2C project, emphasizing the key challenges addressed by the project, the lessons learnt whichmay helpsimilar initiativesto accelerate their progress,and the KPIs used to quantify and qualify the benefits of deploying the mF2C framework based on three real-world use case pilots
Keywords fog computing , fog-to-cloud , edge computing , IoT
Funding Information EU, Horizon 2020 (730929)
Related Research Object(s):
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report 2019. https://www.mf2c-…_Paper_mF2C_last.pdf 2019