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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/50189
Record Status Checked
Record Id 50189
Title Photon backgrounds at the CLIC interaction point due to losses in the post-collision extraction line
Abstract The CLIC beam delivery system focuses 1.5 TeV electron and positron beams to a nanometre-sized cross section when colliding them at the interaction point (IP). The intense focusing leads to large beam-beam effects, causing the production of beamstrahlung photons, coherent and incoherent e+e- pairs, as well as a significant disruption of the main beam. The transport of the post-collision beams requires a minimal loss extraction line, with high acceptance for energy deviation and divergence. The current design includes vertical bends close to the IP in order to separate the charged particles with a sign opposite to the main beam into a diagnostic-equipped intermediate dump, whilst transporting the photons and the main beam to the final dump. Photon and charged particle losses on magnet masks and dumps result in a complex radiation field and IP background particle fluxes. In this paper, the electromagnetic backgrounds at the IP arising from the losses occurring closest to the collision point are calculated.
Organisation CI , STFC
Keywords Physics , CLIC , Extraction , SSTD 2009-2010
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In Particle Accelerator Conference 2009 (PAC09), Vancouver, Canada, CI Preprints, Cockcroft-09-01 (2009). CI-09-01.pdf 2009