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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/50325
Record Status Checked
Record Id 50325
Title Orbit Correction Optimisations for the ATF2 Final Focus
Abstract ATF2 aims to achieve an ultra-low IP beamsize, this will require a high standard of orbit precision in the ATF2 nal focus system. The ATF2 v3.8 nal focus has been modelled and expected errors have been applied. Multiple methods for a global orbit correction technique have been developed, applied and tested on the nal focus model. The performance of the di ering orbit correction techniques have been compared and their e ects on the IP beamsize have been calculated. The details of the techniques are presented, along with the comparative results from the simulations. The best performing technique has been short-listed for possible implementation as the ATF2 nal focus orbit-steering software solution. The particle tracking was performed using DIMAD.
Organisation CI , STFC
Keywords Physics , SSTD 2008-2009
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report EuroTeV EuroTeV-2008-055. EuroTeV, 2009. Cockcroft-08-124.pdf 2009