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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/50458
Record Status Checked
Record Id 50458
Title JISC Information Environment Portal Activity: Interim Report
Abstract This is an interim report of the JISC Information Environment Portal Activity: supporting the needs of e-Research. The aims and objectives of this study are: ? To scope the requirements of e-Research within the area of resource discovery with reference to ?portal? type services and tools; ? To identify gaps and duplication within the current provision (with reference to JISC portal and other relevant activities) therefore to identify potential areas for new work and possibly synergies that could offer a more holistic approach than currently available; ? To highlight issues and challenges that will need to be addressed in terms of serving e-Research requirements and in terms of enhancing portal activities for the IE more generally; ? To make recommendations for portal related activities that could be taken forward by JISC. In this report we principally document the background and procedure to be adopted in the rest of the survey alongside a desk-based analysis of the JISC Information Environment and related activities as appropriate to e-Research. The rationale for our selection of projects to review is explained.
Organisation CCLRC , CSE , CSE-HEC
Keywords information environment , portal
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report JISC portal ITT. 2006. interim.pdf 2006