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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/50574688
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Record Id 50574688
Title Physical properties of the 1D magnet β-VOSO4
Abstract In this work theβphase of Vanadiumoxosulphate (VI) (β−V OSO4) crystalwas used to study the physical properties of low dimensional magnetism inspin½chains. Structural analysis from X-ray diffraction and neutron diffrac-tion performed on the sample, confirm that it crystallizes in the Pnma (62)space group.β−V OSO4 has V4+ bounded to six oxygen that gives it anoctahedral configuration with one unpaired electron, thus with a total spin1/2. The V-O-V bound running parallel to the a-axis form a spin½chain.The physical effect of this spin chain on the magnetic susceptibility and heatcapacity was examined and it shows that the magnetic moment is isotropicand the intra-chain magnetic interaction is antiferromagnetic. This magneticbehavior has a significant effect on the susceptibility and heat capacity attemperatures below 60K. The magnitude of the magnetic exchange interac-tion between the spins was calculated to range from 45.4(3) K to 43.9(5)Kbut from fits to the magnetic susceptibility curve the exchange interactionwas model to be approximately 25.05(99)K in all direction. The magneticcontribution to the internal energy of the crystal was found to be approxi-mately 4.5JK−1mol−1at 50K.
Organisation ISIS , ISIS-HRPD , STFC
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Thesis MSc, University of Stavanger, 2021. https://uis.brage…44978.pdf?sequence=1 2021