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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/51241
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Record Id 51241
Title Structure of the C14-rotor ring of the proton translocating chloroplast ATP synthase
Abstract The structure of the membrane integral rotor ring of the proton translocating F1F0 ATP synthase from spinach chloroplasts was determined to 3.8 angstrom resolution by x-ray crystallography. The rotor ring consists of 14 identical protomers that are symmetrically arranged around a central pore. Comparisons with the c(11) rotor ring of the sodium translocating ATPase from Ilyobacter tartaricus show that the conserved carboxylates involved in proton or sodium transport, respectively, are 10.6-10.8 angstrom apart in both c ring rotors. This finding suggests that both ATPases have the same gear distance despite their different stoichiometries. The putative proton-binding site at the conserved carboxylate Glu(61) in the chloroplast ATP synthase differs from the sodium-binding site in Ilyobacter. Residues adjacent to the conserved carboxylate show increased hydrophobicity and reduced hydrogen bonding. The crystal structure reflects the protonated form of the chloroplast c ring rotor. We propose that upon deprotonation, the conformation of Glu(61) is changed to another rotamer and becomes fully exposed to the periphery of the ring. Reprotonation of Glu(61) by a conserved arginine in the adjacent a subunit returns the carboxylate to its initial conformation.
Organisation CSE , CCP4 , STFC
Keywords membrane proteins , protein crystallography , Biology
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Journal Article J Biol Chem 284, no. 27 (2009): 18228-18235. doi:10.1074/jbc.M109.006916 2009