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DOI 10.5286/stfctr.2023003
Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/54980026
Record Status Checked
Record Id 54980026
Title In-Situ Calorimetry Sample Can Testing for Performance and Development
Abstract Following on from previous developments and reviews, this report evaluates the performance of the in-situ calorimeter sample cans for both liquid and solid powder samples. The in-situ calorimeter stick has been designed for use on IRIS at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source. The techniques used through both instruments are described within this report. The in-situ calorimeter was used in conjunction with a commercially available calorimeter, called the Mettler Toledo DSC1, and comparisons between the results obtained from both calorimeters are discussed. Before the characterisation tests could begin on the in-situ calorimeter, problem shooting was required to regain function of the setup. Once the issue was located and fixed, tests were completed to characterise the cans and to find the optimal experimental conditions for the current setup. Various tests, using different samples along with some trouble shooting and modifications to the existing method, were needed to observe transitions with the solid cans. The liquid cans were tested to benchmark the performance of the in-situ calorimeter with several samples and to provide a comparison to the solid sample cans. Through various sample tests, key features were highlighted as areas for future review and further development. These features are discussed throughout the testing of both the solid and liquid sample cans.
Organisation ISIS , STFC
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Licence Information: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report STFC Technical Reports STFC-TR-2023-003. STFC, 2023. STFC-TR-2023-003.pdf 2023