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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/60955
Record Status Checked
Record Id 60955
Title Citation and peer review of data : moving towards formal data publication
Abstract This paper discusses many of the issues associated with formally publishing data in academia, focusing primarily on the structures that need to be put in place for peer review and formal citation of datasets. Data publication is becoming increasingly important to the scientific community, as it will provide a mechanism for those who create data to receive academic credit for their work and will allow the conclusions arising from an analysis to be more readily verifiable, thus promoting transparency in the scientific process. Peer review of data will also provide a mechanism for ensuring the quality of datasets, and we provide suggestions on the types of activities one expects to see in the peer review of data. A simple taxonomy of data publication methodologies is presented and evaluated, and the paper concludes with a discussion of dataset granularity, transience and semantics, along with a recommended human-readable citation syntax.
Organisation ESC , STFC , ESC-SA , RALSP , RALSP - SDD
Keywords data publishing , data citation , peer review , Natural environment , data management
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Journal Article International Journal of Digital Curation 6, no. 2 (2011). http://www.ijdc.n…jdc/article/view/181 Lawrence-IJDC-205-865-5-PB.pdf 2011