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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/62465
Record Status Checked
Record Id 62465
Title Inter-repository linking of Research Objects with Webtracks
Abstract Research and innovation is an iterative process that relies on the discovery and re-purposing of existing research products in various manifestations. In this paper, we present an approach and mechanism developed by the Webtracks project for research information providers to exchange annotated typed links to facilitate the discovery, tracking and access of related research objects on the web. We describe the Webtracks InteRCom protocol which generalizes the Storelink approach to citation linking; and the Webtracks Restlet Java application which leverages Linked Data best practices to implement the InteRCom protocol. We then illustrate Webtracks usage with an exemplar based on linking data sets managed by the ICAT Metadata Catalogue with research articles managed by the EPublications archive.
Organisation ISIS , ISIS , STFC , ESC-SA , SCI-COMP
Keywords citation , linked-data , Webtracks , RDF , Engineering , InteRCom protocol
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In 7th International Conference on Open Repositories (OR2012), Edinburgh, UK, 9-13 Jul 2012, (2012). ORA2012_sub.docx 2012