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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/62929
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Record Id 62929
Title Developing Hybrid OpenMP/MPI Parallelism for Fluidity-ICOM - Next Generat ion Geophysical Fluid Modelling Technology
Abstract In order to Further develop Fluidity-ICOM (build upon finite element methods and anisotropic unstructured adaptive meshing) run efficiently on supercomputers comprised of NUMA nodes, mixed mode OpenMP/MPI parallelism has been implemented in Fluidity-ICOM. The OpenMP parallelism has been realised through well established graph colouring techniques to remove the data dependencies in matrix assembly, which allow very efficient parallelisation with OpenMP. Various NUMA optimizations have also been implemented. The profiling and the benchmark results on the latest CRAY platforms show that the best performance can be achieved by pure OpenMP within node.
Organisation CSE-HEC , STFC , SCI-COMP
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In Cray User Group 2012 (CUG2012), Stuttgart, Germany, ., (2012). cug2012_paper_xguo.pdf 2012