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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/63686
Record Status Checked
Record Id 63686
Title Event-Based Processing of Neutron Scattering Data
Abstract Many of the world's time-of-flight neutron spallation sources are migrating to recording individual neutron events. This provides for new opportunities in data processing, the least of which is to filter the events based on correlating them with logs of sample environment and other ancillary equipment. This paper will describe techniques for processing neutron scattering data in event mode, which preserve event information all the way to a final spectrum, including any necessary corrections or normalizations and how they have been implemented in Mantid[1]. This results in smaller final errors, while significantly reducing processing time and memory requirements in typical experiments. Results with traditional histogramming techniques will be shown for comparison. References [1] www.mantidroject.org
Keywords NOBUGS2012
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Language English (EN)
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Presentation Presented at NOBUGS 2012 (NOBUGS 2012), RAL, UK, 24-26 Sept 2012. PFPeterson_EventProcessing.ppt 2012