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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/65696
Record Status Checked
Record Id 65696
Title Microscopic structure of water in a water/oil emulsion
Abstract We have determined the microscopic structure of water within a water/oil emulsion, by combining neutron diffraction data, exploiting the isotopic H/D substitution, and a fully atomistic Monte Carlo simulation of a portion of a water droplet, containing the water/oil interface. The dependence of the data on the simulation box size and the reliability of the water-water radial distribution functions are discussed. Although water in the emulsion forms shorter and stronger hydrogen bonds compared to pure bulk water, its overall microscopic structure looks more disordered.
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article J Chem Phys 138, no. 20 (2013): 204503. doi:10.1063/1.4807601 2013