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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/66151
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Record Id 66151
Title A study of ammonia borane and its derivatives
Abstract This thesis reports the investigation of molecular materials for hydrogen storage applications with a particular emphasis on alkali-metal amidoboranes. I have developed new routes for the synthesis of $alpha$-LiNH$_{2}$BH$_{3}$ and NaNH$_{2}$BH$_{3}$, and have studied their hydrogen storage properties by thermogravimetric analysis, variable temperature X-ray and neutron diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering. I report the synthesis and full structural characterization of two new materials, KNH$_{2}$BH$_{3}$ and $beta$-LiNH$_{2}$BH$_{3}$, and have performed initial studies on a tetragonal phase of a variant of LiNH$_{2}$BH$_{3}$ with a preliminary structure solution. I have also performed variable temperature neutron diffraction on ammonium borodeuteride, ND$_{4}$BD$_{4}$, and report the full structural characterisation of the three phases identified as a result of these measurements. Furthermore, variable temperature inelastic neutron scatting (INS) measurements were performed on ammonia borane, NH$_{3}$BH$_{3}$, and the results are discussed in terms of crystallographic phase changes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Keywords Materials , Chemistry , ISIS 2011 Update
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Thesis DPhil, University of Oxford, 2011. http://ora.ox.ac.…f2-afdd-3c8a8ea33ce8 2011