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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/7009
Record Status Checked
Record Id 7009
Title Double-crystal analyser system for the PRISMA spectrometer: Test of a prototype
Abstract A prototype of a double-analyser system has been tested at the ISIS pulsed neutron source in order to determine the performance of such an analysing device in the low energy transfer region. The performance of such a system has been found satisfactory in terms of reflectivity and energy resolution as well as alignment procedures. Based on our test results we propose the construction of a second arm for the PRISMA spectrometer at ISIS. This new arm would enable us to perform measurements with much improved energy resolution and to extend the wavevector transfer range to much smaller values thus improving the instrument performance significantly for magnetic scattering experiments. The new, modular approach of the upgrade will also strengthen the flexibility of the instrument and open up the opportunity for further instrumental developments, for example the introduction of a polarization option.
Organisation ISIS , ISIS-PRISMA , SERC
Keywords Physics , ISIS 1993 (RAL Report) , ISIS 1994
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report RAL-93-091. RAL-TR-1993-091.pdf 1993