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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/10855001
Record Status Checked
Record Id 10855001
Title Monte Carlo Simulations of Beam Losses in the Test Beam Line of CTF3
Abstract The Test Beam Line (TBL) of the CLIC Test Facility 3 (CTF3) aims to validate the drive beam deceleration concept of CLIC, in which the RF power requested to boost particles to multi-TeV energies is obtained via deceleration of a high current and low energy drive beam (DB). Despite a TBL beam energy (150-80 MeV) significantly lower than the minimum nominal energy of the CLIC DB (250 MeV), the pulse time structure of the TBL provides the opportunity to measure beam losses with CLIC-like DB timing conditions. In this contribution, a simulation study on the detection of beam losses along the TBL for the commissioning of the recently installed beam loss monitoring system is presented. The most likely loss locations during stable beam conditions are studied by considering the beam envelope defined by the FODO lattice as well as the emittance growth due to the deceleration process. Moreover, the optimization of potential detector locations is discussed. Several factors are considered, namely: the distance to the beam, the shielding provided by the different elements of the line, the detector sensitivity and possible saturation effects of both the radiation detectors and electronics.
Organisation CI
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In 2nd International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2013), Oxford, UK, 16-19 Sept 2013, (2013). Cockcroft-13-38.pdf 2013