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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/11080594
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Record Id 11080594
Title Neutron Sources
Abstract This chapter reviews the most significant developments that have taken place in the design, construction, and operation of new neutron sources as well as the refurbishment programs of others already serving the neutron-scattering community. Such advances in neutron production devices are to be considered in conjunction with impressive achievements in the optimization of neutron delivery systems as well as in neutron instrumentation which overall resulted in a truly remarkable improvement in neutron count rates. As a result, the capabilities of experimental neutron sources are nowadays larger than ever before, despite there being fewer sources available. It is also worth remarking the coming into line of compact, accelerator-driven neutron sources as well as work carried out at small research reactors which, as exemplified during the past decade, have played an important role in helping the large, user-based facilities to carry out development work geared toward the achievement of full performance.
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Language English (EN)
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Book Chapter or Section In Neutron Scattering – Fundamentals. Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences 44 edited by F Fernandez-Alonso, DL Price, chapter 2, 137-243. New York: Academic Press, 2013. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-398374-9.00002-4 2013