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Full Record Details

DOI 10.5286/raltr.2013013
Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/11136022
Record Status Checked
Record Id 11136022
Title Using SXDMEASURE: A New Method for Obtaining Accurate Lattice Parameters on the ISIS SXD Instrument
Abstract In this report we describe an improved method for determining the lattice parameters of a single-crystal sample using the neutron Laue time-of-flight (TOF) technique. The new method enables the measurement of unit cell lattice parameters with uncertainties in the range 0.015 – 0.06%. The method also improves the location, and integration, of weak reflections which are often more difficult to discern amongst the increased background at higher neutron energies. The method employs two related computer programs, SXDCALIB and SXDMEASURE. The first of these is used to calibrate the instrument, and the second used to determine the orientation matrix of an unknown sample, using the calibrated instrument parameters. This report describes how to use SXDMEASURE. SXDCALIB and the calibration procedure will be described in a separate report
Organisation ISIS , ISIS-SXD , STFC
Keywords time of flight calibration , single crystal diffraction , neutron single crystal diffraction
Funding Information
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report RAL Technical Reports RAL-TR-2013-013. STFC, 2013. RAL-TR-2013-013.pdf 2013