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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/11276798
Record Status Checked
Record Id 11276798
Title Intercomparison of radiation protection instrumentation in a pulsed neutron field
Abstract In the framework of the EURADOS working group 11, an intercomparison of active neutron survey meters was performed in a pulsed neutron ?eld (PNF). The aim of the exercise was to evaluate the performances of various neutron instruments, including commercially available rem-counters, personal dosemeters and instrument prototypes. The measurements took place at the cyclotron of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH. The cyclotron is routinely used for proton therapy of ocular tumours, but an experimental area is also available. For the therapy the machine accelerates protons to 68 MeV. The interaction of the proton beam with a thick tungsten target produces a neutron ?eld with energy up to about 60 MeV. One interesting feature of the cyclotron is that the beam can be delivered in bursts, with the possibility to modify in a simple and ?exible way the burst length and the ion current. Through this possibility one can obtain radiation bursts of variable duration and intensity. All instruments were placed in a reference position and irradiated with neutrons delivered in bursts of different intensity. The analysis of the instrument response as a function of the burst charge (the total electric charge of the protons in the burst shot onto the tungsten target) permitted to assess for each device the dose underestimation due to the time structure of the radiation ?eld. The personal neutron dosemeters were exposed on a standard PMMA slab phantom and the response linearity was evaluated.
Organisation CI , STFC
Keywords Proton , detection Pulsed , beam Neutron , Neutron survey meter
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Journal Article Nucl Instrum Meth A 737 (2014): 203-213. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2013.11.073 2014