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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/11805671
Record Status Checked
Record Id 11805671
Title Ensuring the Long Term Impact of Earth Science Data through Data Curation and Preservation
Abstract The challenge of maximizing the impact of archived data lies in much more than the storage and providing access to “the bits” but in the usability of the data both in the long term and to scientists outside the immediate field or group of producers. With much of earth science data containing observations that are not repeatable, key areas of scientific investigation become dependent on the meaningful exploitation and re-use of such scientific data. This article presents the potential impact of earth science data in terms of societal benefit areas such as disaster management, water, climate change, health, ecosystems and agriculture. Using illustrative examples from their archives, the SCIDIP-ES earth science partners discuss how data curation and digital preservation activities are vital for ensuring impact in these areas.
Organisation EOASD , STFC , RALSP
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Journal Article Information Standards Quarterly 25, no. 3 (2013): 28-36. doi:10.3789/isqv25no3.2013.05 2013