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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/12165173
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Record Id 12165173
Title Instrumentation and techniques for the European Spallation Source.
Abstract Prologue Neutron scattering provides basic microscopic information on the structure and dynamics of materials which underpins our understanding of condensed matter in fields as diverse as biology, materials science, chemistry, the earth sciences and physics. In the Large Facilities Report to the CEC in 1990, the Neutron Study Panel underlined the continuing need for neutron scattering as a microscopic probe of the condensed state, and recognised that a major initiative was necessary to secure an effective ongoing neutron science programme in Europe for the year 2000 and beyond. The Panel recommended that a design study be initiated for a next generation neutron source. Subsequently, in a joint initiative by KFA Jiilich and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, a series of meetings have been held to explore options for such a next generation European Neutron Source. The CEC has provided support for two of the meetings, an Expert Meeting on Accelerators (held at Simonskall near Jiilich in September 1991) and an Expert Meeting on Instrumentation and Techniques (held at Abingdon near RAL in February 1992). A further meeting on Target Technologies jointly organised with PSI Villigen took place in early February 1992. These meetings focused on the provision and utilisation of an advanced high-powered accelerator-driven pulsed spallation source and the scientific opportunities that it would herald. Discussions of the Expert Meeting on Accelerators (and subsequent workshops on various aspects of the accelerator design) are summarised in a Jiilich Report, those of the Target Technologies and Moderators Workshop in the PSI Report PSI-Proceedings-92-03. This is the Report of the Expert Meeting on Instrumentation and Techniques. The source specification for the European Spallation Source (ESS) is based on a proton accelerator producing a pulsed beam with an average beam power of 5 MW in -1 J.1S pulses at a repetition rate of 50Hz. Two target stations are envisaged, one for operation at 10Hz for high resolution and long wavelength instruments and one operating at 50 Hz for high intensity applications. The neutronic performance anticipated from this specification will make the European Spallation Source some 30 times brighter than ISIS, presently the world's most powerful source of this type. The ESS will have a time averaged thermal flux equivalent to that of the High Flux Reactor at the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL), but because of its sharp pulse structure, the peak flux of the ESS will be some 40 times higher than this average. An accelerator concept has been identified which will meet this specification using technologies which are considered by the Expert Meeting to be within attainable goals. A target design concept to dissipate 5MW and an appropriate moderator system did not appear to pose any insurmountable problems. The scientific benefit that the ESS would bring to a wide range of scientific disciplines was considered in detail at the Expert Meeting on Instrumentation & Techniques. It was confidently predicted that the enhanced temporal brightness of the ESS would allow the source to make both a major impact on established fields and substantial contributions to new areas of research. A proposal for a two year design study which would investigate various aspects of accelerator technology and confirm the feasibility of the target design and neutronic performance of the moderators is being prepared, Neutron scattering technique development identified at this Meeting will be the subject of a parallel European-wide development request. Construction of the European Spallation Source would maintain Europe in the pre-eminent position that it has held for the past 20 years in the field of neutron scattering. In addition, it is anticipated that the ESS would have a major impact on other areas such as neutrino physics and muon science, and would provide a strategic opportunity to develop high-powered accelerator technology with potential applications in nuclear waste management and isotope production.
Organisation ISIS , SERC
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Language English (EN)
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Report RAL-92-040. 1992. Is proceedings of: Report of an Expert Meeting , The Cosener's House, Abingdon, UK, 24-27th February, 1992. RAL-92-040.pdf 1992