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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/12206862
Record Status Checked
Record Id 12206862
Title Gas dynamics considerations in a non-invasive profile monitor for charged particle beams
Abstract A non-invasive, gas jet-based, beam profile monitor has been developed in the QUASAR Group at the Cockcroft Institute, UK. This allows on-line measurement of the 2-dimensional transverse profile of particle beams with negligible disturbance to either primary beam or accelerator vacuum. The monitor is suitable for use with beams across a wide range of energies and intensities. In this setup a nozzleskimmer system shapes a thin supersonic gas jet into a curtain. However, the small dimensions of the gas inlet nozzle and subsequent skimmers were shown to be the cause of many operational problems. In this paper, the dynamics of gas jet formation transport and shaping is discussed before an imageprocessing based alignment technique is introduced. Furthermore, experimental results obtained with a 5 keV electron beam are discussed and the effects of gas stagnation pressure on the acquired beam are presented.
Organisation CI
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Journal Article Vacuum 109 (2014): 417-424. doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2014.07.009 2014