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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/12297354
Record Status Checked
Record Id 12297354
Title Corrigendum: On the complexity of finding first-order critical points in constrained nonlinear optimization
Abstract In a recent paper (Cartis Gould and Toint, Math. Prog. A 144(1-2) 93–106, 2014), the evaluation complexity of an algorithm to find an approximate first-order critical point for the general smooth constrained optimization problem was examined. Unfortunately, the proof of Lemma 3.5 in that paper uses a result from an earlier paper in an incorrect way, and indeed the result of the lemma is false. The purpose of this corrigendum is to provide a modification of the previous analysis that allows us to restore the complexity bound for a different, scaled measure of first-order criticality.
Organisation STFC , SCI-COMP , SCI-COMP-CM
Funding Information
Related Research Object(s): 12098153 , 29294433 , 55853
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Preprint RAL Preprints RAL-P-2014-013, Math Program 2014. RAL-P-2014-013.pdf 2014