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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/24985
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Record Id 24985
Title Measurement of the absolute luminosity with the ALEPH detector
D Decamp (Annecy, LAPP), B Deschizeaux (Annecy, LAPP), C Goy (Annecy, LAPP), JP Lees (Annecy, LAPP), MN Minard (Annecy, LAPP), R Alemany (Barcelona, Autonoma U.), JM Crespo (Barcelona, Autonoma U.), M Delfino (Barcelona, Autonoma U.), E Fernandez (Barcelona, Autonoma U.), V Gaitan (Barcelona, Autonoma U.), L Garrido (Barcelona, Autonoma U.), LM Mir (Barcelona, Autonoma U.), A Pacheco (Barcelona, Autonoma U.), MG Catanesi, D Creanza, M de Palma, A Farilla, G Iaselli, G Maggi, M Maggi, S Natali, S Nuzzo, M Quattromini, A Ranieri, G Raso, F Romano, F Ruggieri, G Selvaggi, L Silvestris, P Tempesta, G Zito, Y Gao (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), H Hu (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), D Huang (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), X Huang (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), J Lin (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), J Lou (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), C Qiao (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), T Ruan (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), T Wang (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), Y Xie (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), D Xu (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), R Xu (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), J Zhang (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), W Zhao (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.), WB Atwood (CERN), LAT Bauerdick (CERN), F Bird (CERN), E Blucher (CERN), G Bonvicini (CERN), F Bossi (CERN), J Boudreau (CERN), DN Brown (CERN), TH Burnett (CERN), H Drevermann (CERN), RW Forty (CERN), C Grab (CERN), R Hagelberg (CERN), S Haywood (CERN), J Hilgart (CERN), B Jost (CERN), M Kasemann (CERN), J Knobloch (CERN), A Lacourt (CERN), E Lancon (CERN), I Lehraus (CERN), T Lohse (CERN), A Lusiani (CERN), A Marchioro (CERN), M Martinez (CERN), P Mato (CERN), SR Menary (CERN), A Minten (CERN), A Miotto (CERN), R Miquel (CERN), HG Moser (CERN), J Nash (CERN), P Palazzi (CERN), F Ranjard (CERN), G Redlinger (CERN), A Roth (CERN), J Rothberg (CERN), H Rotscheidt (CERN), M Saich (CERN), D Schlatter (CERN), M Schmelling (CERN), M Takashima (CERN), M Talby (CERN), W Tejessy (CERN), H Wachsmuth (CERN), S Wasserbaech (CERN), W Wiedenmann (CERN), W Witzeling (CERN), J Wotschack (CERN), Z Ajaltouni (Clermont-Ferrand U.), M Bardadin-Otwinowska (Clermont-Ferrand U.), AM Bencheikh (Clermont-Ferrand U.), R El Fellous (Clermont-Ferrand U.), A Falvard (Clermont-Ferrand U.), P Gay (Clermont-Ferrand U.), C Guicheney (Clermont-Ferrand U.), J Harvey (Clermont-Ferrand U.), P Henrard (Clermont-Ferrand U.), J Jousset (Clermont-Ferrand U.), B Michel (Clermont-Ferrand U.), JC Montret (Clermont-Ferrand U.), D Pallin (Clermont-Ferrand U.), P Perret (Clermont-Ferrand U.), J Proriol (Clermont-Ferrand U.), F Prulhiere (Clermont-Ferrand U.), G Stimpfl (Clermont-Ferrand U.), H Bertelsen (Bohr Inst.), F Hansen (Bohr Inst.), JD Hansen (Bohr Inst.), JR Hansen (Bohr Inst.), PH Hansen (Bohr Inst.), A Lindhal (Bohr Inst.), R Mollerud (Bohr Inst.), BS Nilsson (Bohr Inst.), G Petersen (Bohr Inst.), I Efthymiopoulos (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.), E Simopoulou (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.), A Vayaki (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.), J Badier (Ecole Polytechnique), A Blondel (Ecole Polytechnique), G Bonneaud (Ecole Polytechnique), J Bourotte (Ecole Polytechnique), F Braems (Ecole Polytechnique), JC Brient (Ecole Polytechnique), G Fouque (Ecole Polytechnique), A Gamess (Ecole Polytechnique), R Guirlet (Ecole Polytechnique), S Orteu (Ecole Polytechnique), A Rosowsky (Ecole Polytechnique), A Rouge (Ecole Polytechnique), M Rumpf (Ecole Polytechnique), R Tanaka (Ecole Polytechnique), H Videau (Ecole Polytechnique), DJ Candlin (Edinburgh U.), E Veitch (Edinburgh U.), L Moneta, G Parrini, M Corden, C Georgiopoulos, M Ikeda, J Lannutti, D Levinthal, M Mermikides, L Sawyer, A Antonelli (Frascati), R Baldini (Frascati), G Bencivenni (Frascati), G Bologna (Frascati), P Campana (Frascati), G Capon (Frascati), F Cerutti (Frascati), V Chiarella (Frascati), B D'Ettorre Piazzoli (Frascati), G Felici (Frascati), P Laurelli (Frascati), G Mannocchi (Frascati), F Murtas (Frascati), GP Murtas (Frascati), L Passalacqua (Frascati), M Pepe-Altarelli (Frascati), P Picchi (Frascati), P Zografou (Frascati), B Altoon (Glasgow U.), O Boyle (Glasgow U.), AW Halley (Glasgow U.), I ten Have (Glasgow U.), JA Hearns (Glasgow U.), JG Lynch (Glasgow U.), WT Morton (Glasgow U.), C Raine (Glasgow U.), JM Scarr (Glasgow U.), K Smith (Glasgow U.), AS Thompson (Glasgow U.), RM Turnbull (Glasgow U.), B Brandl (Heidelberg U.), O Braun (Heidelberg U.), R Geiges (Heidelberg U.), C Geweniger (Heidelberg U.), P Hanke (Heidelberg U.), V Hepp (Heidelberg U.), EE Kluge (Heidelberg U.), Y Maumary (Heidelberg U.), A Putzer (Heidelberg U.), B Rensch (Heidelberg U.), A Stahl (Heidelberg U.), K Tittel (Heidelberg U.), M Wunsch (Heidelberg U.), AT Belk (Imperial Coll., London), R Beuselinck (Imperial Coll., London), DM Binnie (Imperial Coll., London), W Cameron (Imperial Coll., London), M Cattaneo (Imperial Coll., London), PJ Dornan (Imperial Coll., London), S Dugeay (Imperial Coll., London), AM Greene (Imperial Coll., London), JF Hassard (Imperial Coll., London), NM Lieske (Imperial Coll., London), SJ Patton (Imperial Coll., London), DG Payne (Imperial Coll., London), MJ Phillips (Imperial Coll., London), JK Sedgbeer (Imperial Coll., London), G Taylor (Imperial Coll., London), I R Tomalin (Imperial Coll., London), AG Wright (Imperial Coll., London), P Girtler (Innsbruck U.), D Kuhn (Innsbruck U.), G Rudolph (Innsbruck U.), C Bowdery (Lancaster U.), TJ Brodbeck (Lancaster U.), AJ Finch (Lancaster U.), F Foster (Lancaster U.), G Hughes (Lancaster U.), NR Keemer (Lancaster U.), M Nuttall (Lancaster U.), A Patel (Lancaster U.), BS Rowlingson (Lancaster U.), T Sloan (Lancaster U.), S W Snow (Lancaster U.), E P Whelan (Lancaster U.), T Barczewski (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.), K Kleinknecht (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.), J Raab (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.), B Renk (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.), S Roehn (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.), HG Sander (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.), H Schmidt (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.), F Steeg (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.), SM Walther (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.), B Wolf (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.), JP Albanese (Marseille, CPPM), JJ Aubert (Marseille, CPPM), C Benchouk (Marseille, CPPM), V Bernard (Marseille, CPPM), A Bonissent (Marseille, CPPM), J Carr (Marseille, CPPM), P Coyle (Marseille, CPPM), J Drinkard (Marseille, CPPM), F Etienne (Marseille, CPPM), S Papalexiou (Marseille, CPPM), P Payre (Marseille, CPPM), B Pietrzyk (Marseille, CPPM), Z Qian (Marseille, CPPM), D Rousseau (Marseille, CPPM), P Schwemling (Marseille, CPPM), M Talby (Marseille, CPPM), H Becker (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), W Blum (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), PW Cattaneo (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), G Cowan (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), B Dehning (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), H Dietl (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), F Dydak (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), M Fernandez-Bosman (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), T Hansl-Kozanecka (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), A Jahn (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), W Kozanecki (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), E Lange (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), J Lauber (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), G Lutjens (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), G Lutz (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), W Manner (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), Y Pan (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), R Richter (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), J Schroder (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), AS Schwarz (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), R Settles (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), U Stierlin (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), R St. Denis (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), J Thomas (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), G Wolf (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), V Bertin (Orsay, LAL), J Boucrot (Orsay, LAL), O Callot (Orsay, LAL), X Chen (Orsay, LAL), A Cordier (Orsay, LAL), M Davier (Orsay, LAL), G Ganis (Orsay, LAL), JF Grivaz (Orsay, LAL), P Heusse (Orsay, LAL), P Janot (Orsay, LAL), DW Kim (Orsay, LAL), F Le Diberder (Orsay, LAL), J Lefrancois (Orsay, LAL), AM Lutz (Orsay, LAL), JJ Veillet (Orsay, LAL), I Videau (Orsay, LAL), Z Zhang (Orsay, LAL), F Zomer (Orsay, LAL), D Abbaneo, SR Amendolia, G Bagliesi, G Batignani, L Bosisio, U Bottigli, C Bradaschia, M Carpinelli, MA Ciocci, R Dell'Orso, I Ferrante, F Fidecaro, L Foa, E Focardi, F Forti, C Gatto, A Giassi, MA Giorgi, F Ligabue, EB Mannelli, PS Marrocchesi, A Messineo, F Palla, G Sanguinetti, J Steinberger, R Tenchini, G Tonelli, G Triggiani, C Vannini, A Venturi, PG Verdini, J Walsh, JM Carter (Royal Holloway, U. of London), MG Green (Royal Holloway, U. of London), PV March (Royal Holloway, U. of London), T Medcalf (Royal Holloway, U. of London), IS Quazi (Royal Holloway, U. of London), JA Strong (Royal Holloway, U. of London), RM Thomas (Royal Holloway, U. of London), LR West (Royal Holloway, U. of London), T Wildish (Royal Holloway, U. of London), D R Botterill (Rutherford), RW Clifft (Rutherford), T R Edgecock (Rutherford), M Edwards (Rutherford), S M Fisher (Rutherford), TJ Jones (Rutherford), P R Norton (Rutherford), D P Salmon (Rutherford), J C Thompson (Rutherford), B Bloch-Devaux (Saclay), P Colas (Saclay), C Klopfenstein (Saclay), E Locci (Saclay), S Loucatos (Saclay), E Monnier (Saclay), P Perez (Saclay), JA Perlas (Saclay), F Perrier (Saclay), J Rander (Saclay), JF Renardy (Saclay), A Roussarie (Saclay), JP Schuller (Saclay), J Schwindling (Saclay), B Vallage (Saclay), JG Ashman (Sheffield U.), CN Booth (Sheffield U.), C Buttar (Sheffield U.), R Carney (Sheffield U.), SL Cartwright (Sheffield U.), F Combley (Sheffield U.), M Dinsdale (Sheffield U.), M Dogru (Sheffield U.), F Hatfield (Sheffield U.), J Martin (Sheffield U.), D Parker (Sheffield U.), P Reeves (Sheffield U.), LF Thompson (Sheffield U.), E Bach (Siegen U.), E Barbiero (Siegen U.), S Brandt (Siegen U.), H Burkhardt (Siegen U.), G Gillessen (Siegen U.), C Grupen (Siegen U.), G Heitner (Siegen U.), H Meinhard (Siegen U.), L Mirabito (Siegen U.), U Schafer (Siegen U.), H Seywerd (Siegen U.), C Stupperich (Siegen U.), H Trier (Siegen U.), V Zeuner (Siegen U.), G Giannini, B Gobbo, F Ragusa, L Rolandi, U Stiegler, L Bellantoni (Wisconsin U., Madison), X Chen (Wisconsin U., Madison), D Cinabro (Wisconsin U., Madison), JS Conway (Wisconsin U., Madison), DF Cowen (Wisconsin U., Madison), Z Feng (Wisconsin U., Madison), DPS Ferguson (Wisconsin U., Madison), YS Gao (Wisconsin U., Madison), J Grahl (Wisconsin U., Madison), JL Harton (Wisconsin U., Madison), JE Jacobsen (Wisconsin U., Madison), RC Jared (Wisconsin U., Madison), RP Johnson (Wisconsin U., Madison), BW LeClaire (Wisconsin U., Madison), YB Pan (Wisconsin U., Madison), JR Pater (Wisconsin U., Madison), Y Saadi (Wisconsin U., Madison), V Sharma (Wisconsin U., Madison), ZH Shi (Wisconsin U., Madison), YH Tang (Wisconsin U., Madison), AM Walsh (Wisconsin U., Madison), JA Wear (Wisconsin U., Madison), FV Weber (Wisconsin U., Madison), MH Whitney (Wisconsin U., Madison), SL Wu (Wisconsin U., Madison), G Zobernig (Wisconsin U., Madison)
Organisation PPD , ALEPH , SERC
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Language English (EN)
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Report CERN-PPE-91-129. 1991. 1991
Journal Article Z Phys C 53 (1992): 375-390. doi:10.1007/BF01625896 1992