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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/25433
Record Status Checked
Record Id 25433
Title The Nucleon spin crisis bible
Abstract When the new data on polarised lepton nucleon scattering are compared at the same value of Q2 and with a common set of assumptions, a consistent picture of the spin content of the nucleon begins to emerge. Higher order effects in 0(a8), higher twist effects, modern data on unpolarised structure functions and an updated value for F /D are all important in analysing the data. The detailed x dependences of the polarisation asymmetry in the valence quark region are shown to confirm 20 year old predictions of the quark model and I argue that these are an important ingredient in decoding the nucleon spin puzzle.
Organisation SERC
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report C93-05-03. 1993. 1993
Report RAL Technical Reports RAL-93-034. 1993. RAL-TR-1993-034.pdf 1993
Presentation Presented at Workshop on Qualitative Aspects and Applications of Nonlinear Evolution Equations, Trieste, Italy, 3-14 May 1993. 1993