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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/25994
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Record Id 25994
Title Measurement of the hadronic decay current in tau- --> pi- pi- pi+ tau-neutrino
R Akers, G Alexander, J Allison, K Ametewee, K J Anderson, S Arcelli, S Asai, D Axen, G Azuelos, A H Ball, E Barberio, Roger J Barlow, R Bartoldus, J R Batley, G Beaudoin, A Beck, G A Beck, C Beeston, T Behnke, K W Bell, G Bella, S Bentvelsen, P Berlich, S Bethke, O Biebel, I J Bloodworth, P Bock, H M Bosch, M Boutemeur, S Braibant, P Bright-Thomas, R M Brown, A Buijs, H J Burckhart, R Burgin, C Burgard, N Capdevielle, P Capiluppi, R K Carnegie, A A Carter, J R Carter, C Y Chang, C Charlesworth, David G Charlton, S L Chu, P E L Clarke, J C Clayton, S G Clowes, I Cohen, J E Conboy, O C Cooke, M Cuffiani, S Dado, C Dallapiccola, G Marco Dallavalle, C Darling, S De Jong, L A del Pozo, H Deng, M Dittmar, M S Dixit, E do Couto e Silva, J E Duboscq, E Duchovni, G Duckeck, I P Duerdoth, U C Dunwoody, J E G Edwards, P A Elcombe, P G Estabrooks, E Etzion, H G Evans, F Fabbri, B Fabbro, M Fanti, P Fath, M Fierro, M Fincke-Keeler, H M Fischer, P Fischer, R Folman, D G Fong, M Foucher, H Fukui, A Furtjes, P Gagnon, A Gaidot, J W Gary, J Gascon, N I Geddes, C Geich-Gimbel, S W Gensler, F X Gentit, T Geralis, G Giacomelli, P Giacomelli, R Giacomelli, V Gibson, W R Gibson, J D Gillies, J Goldberg, D M Gingrich, M J Goodrick, W Gorn, C Grandi, E Gross, J Hagemann, G G Hanson, M Hansroul, C K Hargrove, P A Hart, M Hauschild, C M Hawkes, E Heflin, R J Hemingway, G Herten, R D Heuer, J C Hill, S J Hillier, T Hilse, P R Hobson, D Hochman, R J Homer, A K Honma, R Howard, R E Hughes-Jones, P Igo-Kemenes, D C Imrie, A Jawahery, P W Jeffreys, H Jeremie, M Jimack, M Jones, R W L Jones, P Jovanovic, C Jui, D Karlen, J Kanzaki, K Kawagoe, T Kawamoto, R K Keeler, R G Kellogg, B W Kennedy, B King, J King, J Kirk, S Kluth, T Kobayashi, M Kobel, D S Koetke, T P Kokott, S Komamiya, R Kowalewski, T Kress, P Krieger, J von Krogh, P Kyberd, G D Lafferty, H Lafoux, R Lahmann, W P Lai, J Lauber, J G Layter, P Leblanc, A M Lee, E Lefebvre, D Lellouch, C Leroy, J Letts, L Levinson, S L Lloyd, F K Loebinger, G D Long, B Lorazo, M J Losty, X C Lou, J Ludwig, A Luig, M Mannelli, S Marcellini, C Markus, A J Martin, J P Martin, T Mashimo, W Matthews, P Mattig, U Maur, J McKenna, T J McMahon, A I McNab, F Meijers, F S Merritt, H Mes, A Michelini, R P MiddletonORCID icon, G Mikenberg, D J Miller, R Mir, W Mohr, A Montanari, T Mori, M Morii, U Muller, B Nellen, B Nijjhar, S W O'Neale, F G Oakham, F Odorici, H O Ogren, N J Oldershaw, C J Oram, M J Oreglia, S Orito, F Palmonari, J P Pansart, G N Patrick, M J Pearce, P D Phillips, J E Pilcher, J Pinfold, D E Plane, P Poffenberger, B Poli, A Posthaus, T W Pritchard, H Przysiezniak, M W Redmond, D L Rees, D Rigby, M G Rison, S A Robins, D Robinson, N Rodning, J M Roney, E Ros, A M Rossi, M Rosvick, P Routenburg, Y Rozen, K Runge, O Runolfsson, D R Rust, M Sasaki, C Sbarra, A D Schaile, O Schaile, F Scharf, P Scharff-Hansen, P Schenk, B Schmitt, M Schroder, H C Schultz-Coulon, P Schutz, M Schulz, C Schwick, J Schwiening, W G Scott, M Settles, T G Shears, B C Shen, C H Shepherd-Themistocleous, P Sherwood, G P Siroli, A Skillman, A Skuja, A M Smith, T J Smith, G A Snow, R Sobie, S Soldner-Rembold, R W Springer, M Sproston, A Stahl, M Starks, C Stegmann, K Stephens, J Steuerer, B Stockhausen, D Strom, P Szymanski, R Tafirout, H Takeda, T Takeshita, P Taras, S Tarem, M Tecchio, P Teixeira-Dias, N Tesch, M A Thomson, O Tousignant, S Towers, M Tscheulin, T Tsukamoto, A S Turcot, M F Turner-Watson, P Utzat, R Van Kooten, G Vasseur, P Vikas, M Vincter, A Wagner, D L Wagner, C P Ward, D R Ward, J J Ward, P M Watkins, A T Watson, N K Watson, P Weber, P S Wells, N Wermes, B Wilkens, G W Wilson, J A Wilson, V H Winterer, T Wlodek, G Wolf, S Wotton, T R Wyatt, A Yeaman, G Yekutieli, M Yurko, V Zacek, W Zeuner, G T Zorn
Organisation CCLRC , PPD , OPAL
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report CERN-PPE-95-22. 1995. 1995
Report CERN-PPE-95-022. 1995. 1995
Journal Article Z Phys C 67 (1995): 45-56. doi:10.1007/BF01564820 1995