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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/27111
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Record Id 27111
Title Heavy quark mass effects and improved tests of the flavor independence of strong interactions
PN Burrows, K Abe, K Abe, T Abe, I Adam, T Akagi, NJ Allen, A Arodzero, WW Ash, D Aston, KG Baird, C Baltay, HR Band, MB Barakat, O Bardon, T Barklow, JM Bauer, G Bellodi, R Ben-David, AC Benvenuti, GM Bilei, D Bisello, G Blaylock, JR Bogart, B Bolen, GR Bower, JE Brau, M Breidenbach, WM Bugg, D Burke, TH Burnett, A Calcaterra, DO Caldwell, D Calloway, B Camanzi, M Carpinelli, R Cassell, R Castaldi, A Castro, M Cavalli-Sforza, A Chou, E Church, HO Cohn, JA Coller, MR Convery, V Cook, R Cotton, RF Cowan, DG Coyne, GD Crawford, C J S Damerell, MN Danielson, M Daoudi, N de Groot, R Dell'Orso, PJ Dervan, R De Sangro, M Dima, A D'Oliveira, DN Dong, PYC Du, R Dubois, BI Eisenstein, VO Eschenburg, E Etzion, S Fahey, D Falciai, C Fan, JP Fernandez, MJ Fero, K Flood, R Frey, T Gillman, G Gladding, S Gonzalez, EL Hart, JL Harton, A Hasan, K Hasuko, S Hedges, SS Hertzbach, MD Hildreth, J Huber, ME Huffer, EW Hughes, X Huynh, H Hwang, Y Iwasaki, DJ Jackson, P Jacques, J Jaros, ZY Jiang, AS Johnson, JR Johnson, RA Johnson, T Junk, R Kajikawa, M Kalelkar, Y Kamyshkov, HJ Kang, I Karliner, H Kawahara, YD Kim, R King, ME King, RR Kofler, NM Krishna, RS Kroeger, M Langston, A Lath, DWGS Leith, V Lia, CJS Lin, X Liu, MX Liu, M Loreti, A Lu, HL Lynch, J Ma, G Mancinelli, S Manly, G Mantovani, TW Markiewicz, T Maruyama, H Masuda, E Mazzucato, AK McKemey, BT Meadows, G Menegatti, R Messner, PM Mockett, KC Moffeit, TB Moore, M Morii, D Muller, V Murzin, T Nagamine, S Narita, U Nauenberg, H Neal, M Nussbaum, N Oishi, D Onoprienko, LS Osborne, RS Panvini, H Park, CH Park, TJ Pavel, I Peruzzi, M Piccolo, L Piemontese, E Pieroni, KT Pitts, RJ Plano, R Prepost, CY Prescott, G Punkar, J Quigley, BN Ratcliff, TW Reeves, J Reidy, PL Reinertsen, PE Rensing, LS Rochester, PC Rowson, JJ Russell, O Saxton, T Schalk, RH Schindler, B Schumm, J Schwiening, S Sen, VV Serbo, MH Shaevitz, JT Shank, G Shapiro, DJ Sherden, KD Shmakov, C Simopoulos, NB Sinev, SR Smith, MB Smy, JA Snyder, H Staengle, A Stahl, P Stamer, R Steiner, H Steiner, M G Strauss, D Su, F Suekane, A Sugiyama, S Suzuki, M Swartz, A Szumilo, T Takahashi, FE Taylor, J Thom, E Torrence, NK Toumbas, AI Trandafir, JD Turk, T Usher, C Vannini, J Va'vra, E Vella, JP Venuti, R Verdier, PG Verdini, SR Wagner, DL Wagner, AP Waite, S Walston, J Wang, C Ward, SJ Watts, AW Weidemann, E Weiss, JS Whitaker, SL White, FJ Wickens, B Williams, DC Williams, SH Williams, S Willocq, RJ Wilson, WJ Wisniewski, JL Wittlin, M Woods, GB Word, TR Wright, J Wyss, RK Yamamoto, JM Yamartino, X Yang, J Yashima, SJ Yellin, CC Young, H Yuta, G Zapalac, RW Zdarko, J Zhou
Organisation CCLRC , PPD , SLD
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report SLAC-PUB-7914. 1998. http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ex/9808017 1998
Report OUNP-98-06. 1998. 1998
Presentation Presented at 29th International Conference on High-Energy Physics (ICHEP 98), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 23-29 Jul 1998. 1998