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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/28924
Record Status Checked
Record Id 28924
Title Formalising Object-Oriented Models in the Object Calculus
Abstract This paper identifies how object models, statecharts and interaction diagrams can be given a semantics in the Object Calculus of Fiadeiro and Maibaum. A compositional interpretation of object model and statechart diagrams is developed, with separate theories constructed for object instances, class managers and associations which are then combined using categorical constructions to yield a formal interpretation of complete systems. We use this semantics to identify some problematic fetures of these notations in the Syntropy method.
Organisation CCLRC , BITD
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In ECCOP'97 Workshop on Precise Semantics for Object-Oriented Modeling Techniques, , Jyvaskyla, Finland, 1997, (1997). http://www.resear…c2f59edae2000000.pdf 1997