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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/29652
Record Status Checked
Record Id 29652
Title Gas Microstrip X-ray Detectors for Application in Synchrotron Radiation Experiments
Abstract The Gas Microstrip Detector (GMSD) has counting rate capabilities several orders of magnitude higher than conventional wire proportional counters while providing the same (or better) energy resolution for x-rays. In addition the geometric flexibility provided by the lithographic process combined with the self-supporting properties of the substrate offers many exciting possibilities for x-ray detectors for applications on synchrotron beam lines. Using experience obtained in designing detectors for Particle Physics we have developed a variety of detectors and their associated fast, low-noise front-end electronics for use on SR sources. These include a detector for wide angle x-ray scattering (WAXS) studies which has fan geometry and an x-ray detector which can acquire soft (E subscript chi <4keV) XAFS data at rates of several MHz. These detectors are described and results of tests carried out at Daresbury Laboratory presented.
Organisation CCLRC
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report RAL Technical Reports RAL-TR-1999-056. 1999. raltr-1999056.pdf 1999