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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/29683
Record Status Checked
Record Id 29683
Title The Design and Development of Radiation Tolerant Silicon Microstrip Detectors for Tracking at the Future Large Hadron Collider
Abstract This thesis describes the design and experimental work towards the development of silicon microstrip detectors for particle tracking at the future Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It concentrates on those characteristics of microstrip detectors necessary for their efficient performance in such a challenging environment, namely radiation tolerance, speed and tracking precision. Prototype tracking elements, or modules, forseen as the building blocks of future, high-precision experiments, are also evaluated. The first part describes a study to improve the performance of silicon detectors when operated at high bias voltages and prevent the onset of large leakage currents. Multiple floating guard rings around the detector edge have been investigated for this purpose and an optimum geometry designed. Simulations of such geometries using two-dimensional numerical analysis software are described, and the results from real devices incorporating the designs are presented. In addition, an extensive irradiation programme has been carried out, and the results are presented on the performance of the optimised design following neutron, electron and proton irradiation. The instability of such structures in a humid environment has been observed and possible techniques to counteract this are evaluated. Radiation studies are continued in the second part of the thesis by the evaluation of a prototype microstrip detector irradiated to a high proton fluence typical of that expected after ten years operation within the planned ATLAS experiment. Different microstrip structures are compared at sub-zero temperature using electronics operating at speeds close to that required for the LHC. An evaluation of the strip quality, the noise of the detector and electronics, and the charge collection efficiency are presented. The final part compares the detector strip structures in a testbeam when read out with full-speed electronics incorporated in two prototype module designs. Results of noise occupancy, hit multiplicity, tracking resolution and efficiency are presented. These are correlated with measurements of interstrip capacitance on each of the strip structures and compared with theoretical predictions. The designs of the two prototype modules are also compared.
Organisation CCLRC
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Thesis RAL Theses RAL-TH-1998-013. 1998. 1998